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Buy Fairtrade!

Just a quick message about Fairtrade, it's important to buy Fairtrade goods where you can. Fairtrade guarantees a better deal for producers in the developing world. Farmers get a fair price for their products, a stable income, and the greater community benefits too, all thanks to Fairtrade sales.

Think about Bananas and Oranges as an example – these are not something we can buy from local producers in Scotland! So if we're importing them, there are air miles to consider – so why not buy fairtrade and know you are giving something back too.

Buy Local! 

Try to buy locally sourced food when you can. It's surprising how many different vegetables, herbs etc. are grown in the UK, but in supermarkets they often mix local produce and imported food from around the world throughout the year. If you're still going to the supermarket, check where your fruit and vegetables are coming from, are there UK equivalents in store?

If you're shopping at the Farmers market – notice that vegetables such as Pak Choi are being grown here in the UK – so you can get an oriental vegetable locally that hasn't cost the earth. In fact you can make a Chinese-style stir fry with almost all local produce at the right time of year: Onions, Pak Choi, Cabbages, Carrots, Leeks, Brocolli, Mushrooms, Cauliflower, Celery, Courgettes and even Peppers.  


1. poo - 29 January 2011

delishs mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm I scoff my face and don’t stop which is why im 60 stone….

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